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    Carbon Capture and Value Added Products

    Technology Themes OverviewCleaner Fuels - Reducing Carbon IntensityDigital Oil and Gas TechnologyCarbon Capture and Value Added ProductsNovel Hydrocarbon ExtractionNovel Land and Wellsite RemediationMethane Monitoring, Quantification and AbatementWater Technology Development
    Themes - Low Emissions Value Added Products

    Theme Opportunities

    One of the promising solutions to manage carbon emissions and hydrocarbon raw materials is to turn them into innovative products of higher value.

    Finding new uses for carbon emissions will help Canada develop a circular carbon economy that aims to reduce carbon emissions in the first place, reuse carbon a an input into other industrial processes, recycle carbon through the natural carbon cycle, and remove and store excess carbon.

    The CCVAP working group is exploring development opportunities in three key areas:

    • Innovative Products from Hydrocarbons - producing carbon-based non-combustion products (e.g. activated carbon, carbon fibre, asphalt binder) from petroleum and natural gas. Also, new recovery techniques for elements like lithium, vanadium, titanium, or nickel recovered from co-produced hydrocarbons.

    • Carbon Capture and Utilization to reduce GHG emissions

    • Hydrogen and Geothermal - developing clean energy opportunities from hydrocarbon-derived hydrogen and recovery of geothermal energy

    Focus Areas

    • Hydrogen generation, distribution, and use

    • Value-added non-combustion products from bitumen (carbon fibre, asphalt binder, activated carbon)

    • Carbon capture, utilization and storage or conversion

    • Bitumen partial upgrading

    • Minerals (lithium, vanadium, titanium)

    • Alternative energy

    Tech Leader

    David Van Den Assem

    Senior Manager, Clean Technology and Climate Change Innovation

    Alberta Innovates

    Tech Theme Highlights

    Over 2021-2023, CRIN has worked with Alberta Innovates on several initiatives, including:

    • The Bitumen Beyond Combustion (BBC) – Carbon Fibre Grand Challenge consisting of 12 research projects ($3M)

    • Reducing barriers initiatives ($64,000):

    1. Innovation Showcase webinar series with carbonNEXT (Foresight/CMC)

    2. Lithium Techno-Economic Assessment White Paper with Canadian Energy Research Institute

    • A pending geothermal showcase in partnership with the Canadian Geothermal Energy Association (CanGEA)

    Webinars & Presentations

    • CRIN - carbonNEXT Carbon and Hydrogen Innovation Showcase - Event Recording (November 9, 2021)
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    • Bitumen Beyond Combustion Ecosystem Map DRAFT
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    • Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage Ecosystem Map DRAFT
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    • Challenge Statements (May 2020)
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    • Hydrogen Ecosystem Map DRAFT
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    • Low Emissions Value Added Product Overview
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    • Canada's Low-Emission Value-Added Solutions For Oil And Gas