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    Sign Up

    Building a Community with a Shared Vision and Responsibility  

    Being a part of a community means adhering to a set of agreed-upon standards for how we conduct ourselves. By signing the social contract to join CRIN, Members agree to the following set of values and principles.  

    Our membership database, available only to those who join by signing the social contract, provides a platform for facilitating collaborations across disciplines. The membership directory can and should be used by our members to create individual connections and to build business relationships that will enable our vision in a way that is meaningful and effective. As per Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL), which protects consumers and businesses from the misuse of electronic messaging, broad distribution and unsolicited email to members are not permitted. 

    We recognize the importance of privacy and are committed to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of the personal information that we collect about our members, subscribers, event participants and volunteers. We collect and use your personal and business information to support the operation of CRIN business, to understand and learn about our membership base, to report collated membership statistics to stakeholders, and to communicate with you. You may revoke your consent to receive CRIN communications at any time. CRIN does not sell personal or business information to third parties. 

    Social Contract

    I am joining CRIN, a community of people and organizations committed to becoming the global leader in producing cleaner hydrocarbon energy from source to end use by sharing a common faith in continuously growing the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. We are an inclusive, silo-busting, ego-shrinking, ecosystem-building, entrepreneur-focused, wide-open, social-barrier-smashing community. 

    Membership in CRIN does not come with a discrete financial commitment but a commitment to invest my appropriate time and effort in advancing our vision through innovation and technology. This agreement describes what it means to innovate together. It defines what we allow and pursue versus what we resist and avoid. It is a guide and litmus test for the quality of our decisions, actions and ways of being together. By signing, I agree to join CRIN to embrace and promote this set of values and principles: 

    Social Contract - DEI (1)

    I embrace diversity, strive to create equal opportunity for every person and I am open to meeting anyone in this community.

    Social Contract - Free Help

    I understand that I will receive valuable help from others for free.

    Social Contract - Team Sport

    I will create teams to play, dream, experiment, iterate, and persist. I understand mistakes happen. Failing quickly and cheaply are acceptable ways of testing new ideas.

    Social Contract - Pay it Forward

    I agree to “pay forward” whatever positive benefits I receive. For every introduction I get, I will provide an introduction to another person. For every hour of advice I receive, I will give an hour of advice to someone else. For every risk someone takes with me, I will take a risk with a different person.

    Social Contract - Fairness

    I will be nice and treat everyone fairly. I will take advantage of no one.

    Social Contract - Listening

    I will bring people together and listen, as none of us is as smart as all of us. I believe in the big tent. I believe we gain strength through diversity.

    Social Contract - Trust

    I will give trust to others before expecting to receive trust in return.

    Social Contract - Honesty

    I will be truthful and frank. I will break rules and call out elephants in the room.

    Social Contract - Sharing

    I will open myself to learning from others. I am eager to act to learn. I will share my knowledge in the spirit of the Creative Commons to help nurture learning in others.

    Social Contract - Role Model

    I will lead at times and follow at other times. Each person acts as a role model for everyone else. I will live by these ideals and enforce them as a member of the CRIN community.

    Through embracing these values and principles, we will:

    • Engage and encourage broad participation.

    • Create an efficient, self-sustaining innovation ecosystem.

    • Increase the frequency of, and reduce the timelines for, the cycle from ideation to deployment.

    • Focus on, and be driven by, impactful innovation projects that advance the vision.

    • Strengthen existing relationships and extend to other key partners within and beyond the network.

    • Empower innovators via active guidance from senior leaders within and beyond the sector.

    • Synergize with existing innovation frameworks and entities (e.g. NRCAN, CFREF, COSIA, CMC, PTAC, PSAC, ERINL, etc.).

    Your Feedback is Important to Us 
    As a member-based organization, we aim to ensure you have the information and resources you need to continue on your innovation journey. Just like you are evolving in your professional development, so are we. Please tell us what we can do to help you get the most out of your experience with CRIN. Contact us here.