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    Technology Themes

    Technology Themes OverviewCleaner Fuels - Reducing Carbon IntensityDigital Oil and Gas TechnologyCarbon Capture and Value Added ProductsNovel Hydrocarbon ExtractionNovel Land and Wellsite RemediationMethane Monitoring, Quantification and AbatementWater Technology Development

    How do we accelerate clean technology deployment and commercialization?

    By developing the right ideas at the right time and supported by the right resources.

    Concentrated around seven core themes, our strategic objectives and investments advance technology solutions mapped against industry priorities and address environmental and cost competitiveness challenges.

    Portfolio Objectives

    • Increase technology development capabilities to meet Canada’s climate goals.

    • Test, pilot and demonstrate cleaner technologies.

    • Improve Canada’s environmental performance.

    CRIN’s technology theme working groups are guided by industry experts and professionals. Our technology themes were selected as they present the most significant opportunities to use innovative solutions.