Innovation is key to reducing environmental impacts, including greenhouse gas emissions, and to increasing Canada's industrial competitiveness. Real world field testing of new technologies can be vital to the successful deployment of clean technologies because it can accelerate development and create a clear path to commercialization, which can lead to widespread adoption.
They are the end users who need solutions to their specific environmental challenges.
They are oil and gas producers/refiners, service companies, other industrial sectors all the way downstream to consumers.
CRIN works with Adopters to understand their key priorities and the challenges they are facing and helps align Innovators and other sectors to those needs.
When to connect with the Adopter sector:
When you need a partner company to host a pilot project or validate your technology
When you would like to pitch your technology to an oil and gas, midstream or field services company for investment or sale
When you would like to promote your product/services/technology to consumers/end users