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    Sep 11, 2024

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    Sector Engagement Working Groups

    CRIN launched new sector working groups in June to enhance CRIN's impact and commitment to being an organization that truly supports its membership and the vital work that its members do each day. These groups meet bi-monthly, alternating with the Steering Committee, and include representatives of various members across the oil and gas ecosystem.

    The Adopters Sector Working Group is supported by group leads Marie Sereneo, Carbon Strategy Advisor, ARC Resources Ltd, Geoff Tauvette, Executive Director, Canadian Council for Sustainable Aviation Fuels, and Debbie Burke, Director of Oil & Gas, BBA Consultants. The group's purpose is to identify, share, understand, prioritize, and promote current and emerging technology challenges that adopters face, showcase technology deployment activities, and facilitate or create opportunities for adopters to help other adopters advance clean energy technologies.

    The group leads for the Innovators and Support Services Working Group are Kevin Krausert, CEO and Co-Founder, Avatar Innovations Inc., Gurpreet Lail, President and CEO, Enserva, and Jason Switzer, CEO, Equitable Origin. The group's purpose is to support and simplify the innovator's journey and to promote and provide an environment for innovators to advance their technologies toward and through commercialization and widespread adoption.

    The Talent Sector Working Group is led by Anne Naeth, Professor, University of Alberta, Emmanuelle Plante, Independent, Dagmar Knutson, CFO, Ten Peaks Innovation Alliance, and Jim Gibson, Independent. The group's purpose is to: promote the industry as an exciting, innovative, and sustainable career path; facilitate opportunities for clean hydrocarbon skill development to retain and recruit talent; increase the attractiveness and retention potential of the industry; and increase representation and engagement in TEC themes.

    The Funders Sector Working Group is led by Cristina Lopez, Managing Director, National Bank of Canada, and Bryan Trudel, CFO and Co-Founder, Avatar Innovations Inc. The group's purpose is to develop and foster relationships between innovators and public and private financial partners across Canada and finance impact-driven projects and technologies within the CRIN network.

    If you want to be more involved with CRIN by participating in a working group, please contact us by emailing To learn more about the sector working groups, please visit our sectors webpage.
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